We love this park! This time around, we're looking around a bit more due to a little longer stay, and we have lots of goodies to report.
Occasionally, we wander into the most interesting circumstances (like the time a classic car show popped up around us in a Wal-Mart parking lot). This time, it's Mardis Gras on Tybee Island. We were magically transported to a psuedo-Mardis Gras parade, complete with beads, costumes, a Yorkie in a "royal carriage" (don't ask) and even a Dixieland band. Quite enjoyable.

As for good eats, The Crab Shack on Tybee Island is, by far, the best seafood place around. Previously, we dined at Desposito's, and that had some good points. However, The Crab Shack had better tasting seafood, and better local flavor. They have their own gator ponds out front, and they sell gator snacks to feed them. The temp was way too cold for these poor critters to do much but stay still and keep their body temps up (they are cold blooded, after all) so they weren't too frisky.
We had the good fortune to run into "Aluminum Bliss", fellow Airstreamers and young couple on the move. It's always exciting pulling into a campground and finding another Airstream, but even moreso when we can actually chat with the fellow-minded travelers. Luckily they had their web page address displayed on the back window. Of course, we had to go to the web page to find out who it was. Pleased to meet you guys, Lani and Chris. Happy travels.
In event of a rainy Georgia night, Red Box video rentals is an idea whose time has come. Select a video, insert credit card, get movie. And rental fees of $1 a night! There's a Red Box at the Kroger just 5 minutes away, so check it out if you need a movie for the night.
Bonaventure Cemetery is gorgeous, peaceful and huge. An ideal spot for a bike ride or an afternoon picnic, if you don't mind the whole surrounded-by-the-dead thing. We didn't have enough time to see it all. Well, actually, we almost did have enough time as THEY LOCKED THE EXITS AT 5 PM SHARP! So yeah, a scary moment for us and 4 other cars that were locked in. However, someone made a call and the groundskeeper came back to release us. Imagine spending the night locked up in there. Eeeeek.

We never tire of the downtown area of Savannah, filled with elegant and stately squares and moss-covered Live Oaks. Spent a few hours walking around town and stopped for malts at Leopold's Ice Cream, near SCAD (Savannah College of Art & Design).
On to a few recos for happy camping: if you want quick, portable, propane based heat, look no further than Mr. Heater Buddy. I have always wanted one, but thought the consumption of propane would be too expensive. Well, they went on sale, (a good excuse to buy anything, right?) and I had a gift certificate, so I bought one. Best purchase ever! A single one pound tank will last for a few hours, and keeps from running the furnace as much, so we're not blowing through our larger tanks and it's not using nearly as much propane as I thought it would. So if you are on the fence about buying one, go for it, you won't be disappointed.
As always, sad to be heading out tomorrow, but thankful for a great long weekend in this charming Southern gem of a city.
See you on down the road!

As for good eats, The Crab Shack on Tybee Island is, by far, the best seafood place around. Previously, we dined at Desposito's, and that had some good points. However, The Crab Shack had better tasting seafood, and better local flavor. They have their own gator ponds out front, and they sell gator snacks to feed them. The temp was way too cold for these poor critters to do much but stay still and keep their body temps up (they are cold blooded, after all) so they weren't too frisky.
We had the good fortune to run into "Aluminum Bliss", fellow Airstreamers and young couple on the move. It's always exciting pulling into a campground and finding another Airstream, but even moreso when we can actually chat with the fellow-minded travelers. Luckily they had their web page address displayed on the back window. Of course, we had to go to the web page to find out who it was. Pleased to meet you guys, Lani and Chris. Happy travels.
In event of a rainy Georgia night, Red Box video rentals is an idea whose time has come. Select a video, insert credit card, get movie. And rental fees of $1 a night! There's a Red Box at the Kroger just 5 minutes away, so check it out if you need a movie for the night.
Bonaventure Cemetery is gorgeous, peaceful and huge. An ideal spot for a bike ride or an afternoon picnic, if you don't mind the whole surrounded-by-the-dead thing. We didn't have enough time to see it all. Well, actually, we almost did have enough time as THEY LOCKED THE EXITS AT 5 PM SHARP! So yeah, a scary moment for us and 4 other cars that were locked in. However, someone made a call and the groundskeeper came back to release us. Imagine spending the night locked up in there. Eeeeek.

We never tire of the downtown area of Savannah, filled with elegant and stately squares and moss-covered Live Oaks. Spent a few hours walking around town and stopped for malts at Leopold's Ice Cream, near SCAD (Savannah College of Art & Design).
On to a few recos for happy camping: if you want quick, portable, propane based heat, look no further than Mr. Heater Buddy. I have always wanted one, but thought the consumption of propane would be too expensive. Well, they went on sale, (a good excuse to buy anything, right?) and I had a gift certificate, so I bought one. Best purchase ever! A single one pound tank will last for a few hours, and keeps from running the furnace as much, so we're not blowing through our larger tanks and it's not using nearly as much propane as I thought it would. So if you are on the fence about buying one, go for it, you won't be disappointed.
As always, sad to be heading out tomorrow, but thankful for a great long weekend in this charming Southern gem of a city.
See you on down the road!
Pleasure to meet you guys as well! Sounds like you are having a blast in Savannah. Enjoy the rest of your time there and hopefully we will meet again!
A memorable Valentine's Day for your second "love day" as Mr and Mrs. So happy you enjoyed your trip and here's a toast to many more fun weekends in Wally! Mom
Yum! That crab looks great!
It was fantastic! So good we had to go there (The Crab Shack) twice. Highly recommended. Stray cats love the place for the handouts. :)
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